Follow your Soul River - Live with Purpose

Do you long to know your unique way to belong and to contribute to our wondrous, and turmoiled Earth community?

The soul is like a seed or essence, usually hidden and dormant, until it beckons.

When soul beckons, we do well to listen, feel, imagine, intuit and sense our way, to flow with soul’s undercurrent of truth-telling, to discover who we are, at our core.

The soul knows your deepest belonging, love and sovereignty.

Your soul-seeds holds your purpose, at the centre of your being, ready to grow.

My role as a guide and a mentor is to offer guidance, mirroring and personalised experiential practices to help you navigate this profoundly deep, transformative and sometimes baffling and challenging soul journey.

Soul speaks in metaphor so we call on our deep imagination, intuition, felt sense and heart-knowing, through experiential practice.

Practices include: soul-based practice, heart inquiry, embodiment and movement, nature communing, ecological awakening, soulitude, poetry, soul art, soul journalling, ceremony, creative practice and song.

All practices offer a mirror to your soul’s unique way of being, so you can claim your place in the world, live a purpose that is your own and give your soul gifts.

Which SoulRiver offering is best for you?

If you want one to one support and the most comprehensive and most personalised soul offering, you can do the Wild Soul Immersion which offers 60+ practices that you can access for a lifetime and is online, so you can do this from anywhere. This explores 12 themed modules, with 12 mentoring sessions all done at soul’s pace, slow, from 6-12 months, so you can integrate as you go.

If you want witnessing within a community of like-minded folk, and want a short intensive and a deep soul wake-up that explores many soul practices, in a beautiful wild Australian coastal location, try the Wild Heart Wild Soul Retreat held every Summer and every Easter.

If you would love the witnessing of a circle of women and you prefer more space and time, try the Becoming / Women’s Soul Circle a 9 month immersion held in Melbourne in person, with practices each month to explore solo and with others.

If you want rest, restoration and to deepen your capacity for embodiment, awareness, grounding and wholeness, then you can try the One Heart Yoga & Meditation Silent Retreat, held in March and September each year.

Not sure which option?

You are welcome to have a 30 minute zoom chat to see what will suit you best.

My passion is to help you connect with your true guide, the inner wisdom of your deep self, to reclaim a life of purpose, meaning and joyful participation with life.

You are welcome to have a free zoom chat to see if any of the SoulRiver offerings are a good fit for you.
