Wild Heart Wild Soul Retreat

Wild Heart, Wild Soul Retreat

with Anahata Giri

2-7 January 2025 - Raven’s Nest in Venus Bay

This retreat is a deep dive immersion into practices designed to help you hear the wild calling of your deepest self. Through embodied, heart-based, nature-attuned, soul-centred practice, you will be supported to come home to your sovereign self and claim belonging, meaning, purpose and a soul-led life.

All practices can be adapted to suit whatever is emergent in your path. The retreat offers creative and evocative inner inquiry, held in the nourishing container of embodied practice, community and nature.

Our group will be a maximum of 16 participants.

The retreat includes:

  • Soul-based practice

  • Nature wandering and nature-based practice

  • Heart-based inquiry

  • Creative art practice

  • Meditation

  • Self-designed ceremonies

  • Stream of consciousness writing

  • Dream work

  • Embodiment practice & authentic movement

  • Heart circles, deep listening & mirroring practices

  • Co-creating a supportive community of like-minded pilgrims on the soul path

  • Delicious catering

  • Spare time to enjoy the land and waters

  • You will be given preparatory practices before the retreat and integration practices after the retreat, to help you make the most of this soul deep dive

This is the first, the wildest and the wisest thing I know: that the soul exists and is built entirely out of attentiveness.
— Mary Oliver

Venue & Catering

Raven’s Nest is a magical and private sanctuary, with 14 acres of wild eucalyptus, ti tree and banksia bushland, a short walk to the Cape Liptrap Coastal Park, Point Smythe National Park, 2.5km to the stunning Venus Bay beach and a few minutes walk to the beautiful Anderson Inlet. This is a nature wonderland with abundant birdlife and animal life, that will nourish and inspire your soul journey.

Accommodation is mostly camping, BYO tent. There are many private or communal camping locations, throughout the bush property. There are also limited shared rooms (sharing with one other person); one Queen Room and one glamping tent with a Queen bed.

Our amazing chef Katie Ward cooks wonderful food that is:

  • Delicious, nutritious & abundant

  • Vegetarian & mostly organic

  • Able to be adapted to suit any dietary requirements

  • Always receiving rave reviews!

Arrival time for the retreat on the first day Thursday 2 Janaury 2025 is 1.30-2.30pm. The finish time for the retreat is 4.00pm on the last day.


This retreat is 5 nights, 6 days. Cost includes extensive practices each day, all meals, fruit & beverages, camping or your own room or shared room, a pre-retreat preparatory practice package and a post-retreat package of practices for integration.

Camping BYO tent: $1550

Shared Room, two bunks, sharing with 1 other person: $1550 each

Private Room with Queen bed: $1850

Bell Tent with Queen Bed: $1750

A non-refundable and non-transferable deposit of $150 is required to secure your place. Full payment is due 16 days before the start of the retreat. Refunds are not available after 7 days before the retreat, except in extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the organiser.

How to Book

This retreat is open to anyone wanting to dive into soul-based practice. If you have done soul-based work previously, you can book via my website. If you are new to soul work you are welcome - if we have not met before, please email me your interest and we will have a 30 minute zoom chat to see if this retreat is a good fit for you.

Note: This retreat is an immersion in soul-evoking practices - it is not a wellbeing/rest retreat. If you feel you need rest, space, solitude - this retreat will not be the one for you and the more “empty practices” of yoga and meditation on the One Heart Silent Retreat could be a better fit.

Wild Heart Wild Soul

Retreat Schedule

7.000am Wake Up Bell

7.30-8.30am Nature-based & Soul-based practice

8.30am-10.00am Breakfast & Free Time

10.00am-1.00pm Nature-based & Soul-based practice

1.00-2.30pm Lunch & Free Time

2.30-5.30pm Nature-based & Soul-based practice

6.00-7.30pm Dinner & Free Time

7.30-9.00pm Soul-based practice & Integration

Image by Anahata Giri: When we follow the golden spiral of soul, it leads not only into the depths of our own soul-self, but also into the world, into profound love for this precious green and blue planet.

There are words from Mary Oliver that guide us beautifully on the Wild Soul Retreats:

“There is only one question: how to love this world.”

I facilitate in a way that holds precious the sovereignty and wisdom of each participant. Together we co-create a deeply nourishing holding space so the tender edge of your life can show you your next steps of unfolding and your way to love this world.

♡ Anahata

  • I find it difficult to describe what soul work is but, for me, it has been a critical missing piece as I journey through the deep grief, pain and challenges of life. It is the flip side of the spiritual work I have been undertaking for years now - rather than an ascension to Spirit, it is a descension to Soul but with just as much comfort and trust that spiritual work can provide. Anahata provides guidance and support in the most gentle, patient, non-judgemental and accepting way. The image I receive when I feel into my heart is of Anahata walking beside me in the dark holding the torch low. The torch is not shining far ahead, only to my next step. I realise that each of us is walking our soul path, one step at a time, and Anahata is there beside us holding the torch to help us see the very next step through all that she offers.

    You will not be disappointed with this work. It is truly magical.

    — Lara, Soul Purpose Immersion 2022, Soul Mentoring & Wild Heart Wild Soul Retreat 2024

  • The whole retreat was held with such loving presence and integrity. The best way that I can describe the experience is 'gentle but potent’.. The most powerful takeaway for me was not only the reminder that suffering is resistance to what is, but also the reminder that 'what is' is the portal, the invitation. I departed feeling more centred than I had felt in probably two years, with tools that I am continuing to integrate into my life.

    Natasha, 2022

What is the difference between the

Wild Heart, Wild Soul & One Heart Silent Retreats?

The One Heart Silent Retreat: has a focus on rest, regeneration and contemplation, with space for deep solitude and self-reflection on your life’s questions. The main practices are meditation, yoga and embodiment practices, held in the supportive container of silence and nature. This retreat offers deep nourishment for body, mind and spirit. All levels of yoga and meditation experience are welcome.

The Wild Heart, Wild Soul Retreat: has a focus on soul-based practice designed to help you connect with the inner wisdom, belonging and purpose of your own soul, nature and community. Practices include: nature wandering, movement, journalling, creative art practice, stream of consciousness writing, poetry, dream work, creative imagination, work in pairs, small groups, heart circles. (This is not a silent retreat). This retreat offers deep nourishment for heart and soul. It is for those who are ready for a deep soul dive.

Retreat Calendar 2024 & 2025

26-29 September 2024 Grand Final weekend - One Heart Yoga & Meditation Silent Retreat- Healesville, Victoria

2-7 January 2025 - Wild Heart Wild Soul Retreat - Raven’s Nest, Venus Bay, Victoria

7-10 March 2025 Labour Day weekend - One Heart Yoga & Meditation Silent Retreat - Healesville, Victoria

25-28 September 2025 Grand Final weekend - One Heart Yoga & Meditation Silent Retreat - Healesville, Victoria